Select the option that suits your needs and sign up for YooMoney right away. Everything can be done from one day: it's free of charge and online.
No development needed
Simple and quick integration
There are ready-made solutions for many CMSes
There are detailed manuals on how to integrate YooMoney to websites based on constructors (CMS). For example, to Tilda, GetCourse, Nethouse, etc.
For CMS-based websites
Connection: from one day
Full compliance with 54-FZ
All data at your fingertips in the Merchant Profile: receipts, payment history, and analytics
An integrated solution for sending receipts in accordance with 54-FZ to the Tax Service and customers
For those who need to submit receipts in accordance with 54-FZ
You'll just need to redirect the customer to the YooMoney page
Allows accepting payments using all available methods
If the payment failed, the customer can try again right away
Integration scenario without complicated configurations. Make a payment process easier not only for customers but also for your business
For everyone who accepts payments on the website
Customers will be able to pay using different devices
The payment process continues, even if something goes wrong
Your customers will be able to pay for their purchase at any time: the widget works around the clock
Your customers will be able to quickly pay for purchases right on your website. There will be fewer steps on the way to payment and conversions may increase
For everyone who accepts payments on the website
Money can be put on hold for up to 3 months
Payments aren't processed via your account, you only receive the commission, and you set its rate
Very little information required from your clients
Customer's money is put on hold until terms of the deal are fulfilled, and then it's transferred to the contractor
For freelancing services, classified ads websites, and online stores
Less load on your accounting department: money doesn't need to be processed via your business account
Simple integration: no developer is needed, just sign a contract with YooMoney
Customers will be able to make a single payment for products or services from multiple sellers. YooMoney will automatically send the required amount to each seller
For marketplaces and other online platforms where different sellers offer their products
Ask our managers a question or sign up for YooMoney right away