Payment solutions
To work in accordance with 54‑FZ and submit receipts to the Tax Service on time, you can select an online sales register from one of our partners.
No need to additionally buy and integrate an online sales register, select a fiscal drive, and monitor how it operates
This service can be enabled in a couple of clicks when you're signing up for YooMoney or after you sign up: contact us via chat, we'll tell you what to do.
No need to sign your online sales register up at the Tax Service, connect, or configure it
You won't need to additionally buy it and monitor how it operates
Receipts, payment history, and analytics
Receipts are sent to the Tax Service and to customer's email address
Also available for autopayments and putting payments on hold
There is no service fee, you only pay the commission for successful payments. Its rate depends on the turnover and the selected payment method.
Receipts from YooMoney are enabled by clicking a button in the Merchant Profile or during onboarding process
Our partner will handle it
No need to pay for the periods when you're not working
Online payments
Payments to couriers
Offline payments
Receipts from YooMoney
We'll fully handle the process of sending receipts
You don't have to pay for an online sales register or fiscal drive, file a record for it at the Tax Service, connect it, or configure it.
We send information about payments to our partner's online sales register, it generates receipts and sends them to customers and the Tax Service via the fiscal data operator, all in compliance with 54‑FZ.
Online sales register
Recording at the Tax Service
Entering into a contract with the fiscal data operator
Changing the fiscal drive
Sign up
Sign up for YooMoney
To get started, sign up you'll immediately get a Merchant Profile and an assigned personal manager who's going to help with onboarding (and afterwards).
Set up an online sales register
Buy a new one, get one for rent, or configure your own sales register. You can use any sales register from our partners.
Entering into a contract with the fiscal data operator
Fiscal data operators transfer receipts over to the Tax Service. Our partner can pick a reliable option for you but you can still double-check if the operator has a permission from the Tax Service
File a record for your online sales register at the Tax Service
If you have a QES (qualified electronic signature), you can sign it up online without visiting the Tax Service's office.
Configure the settings in YooMoney
You need to specify the model of your online sales register and the passwords for connecting to it in your Merchant Profile.
Complete setup on your side
If you use a CMS, just update the payment module after setting up YooMoney. If you work via the API, you'll need additional development
Federal Law No. 54‑FZ: overview
After each settlement, a receipt must be provided to the customer, and the information about the settlement must be submitted to the Federal Tax Service.
For these purposes, you need an online sales register: a device which can go online, generate a receipt for the customer, and send the information about the settlement to the fiscal data operator who is going provide this information to the Federal Tax Service.
Who needs to comply with this law and set up an online sales register?
Большинство юридических лиц и ИП обязаны применять онлайн-кассу при расчётах в РФ.
К тем, кто может работать без онлайн-кассы, относятся типы бизнеса, перечисленные в статье 2 54-ФЗ (торговцы на ярмарках, киоски с мороженым и другие)
Does the law allow accepting payments via YooMoney?
You can accept payments via any payment service or bank which provides payment processing services: the law does not apply to these aspects.
ЮKassa отправляет чек покупателю — этого недостаточно?
Нет, это не кассовый чек, а подтверждение оплаты. В налоговую оно не отправляется, через онлайн-кассу не проходит.
Is YooMoney a payment agent?
Нет, ООО НКО «ЮМани» — не платёжный агент. Мы работаем в качестве оператора по переводу денежных средств (определение оператора содержится в п.2 ст.3 161-ФЗ «О национальной платежной системе») на основе лицензии на осуществление банковских операций.
Which CMS, CRM, and SaaS services support transferring information about transaction to an online sales register via YooMoney?
Посмотрите в нашем списке платёжных модулей, мы его постоянно обновляем.
Ask our managers a question or sign up for YooMoney right away
The "Receipts from YooMoney" service is provided by "YooMoney", NBCO LLC, and by "Avanpost" LLC (INN/TIN 5403011237) as the Payment Aggregator in accordance with the General terms and conditions of the YooMoney service (section 9 of Annex 4.1.)
"Holding" refers to the feature provided by "YooMoney", NBCO LLC, in accordance with section 3 of Annex 4.1. to the General terms and conditions of the YooMoney service