YooMoney API
Old versions of the API
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Sending details for the receipt

This is an old version of the API. Switch to the YooMoney API.

Federal Law No.54 (54-FZ) prescribes to transmit information about payments to the tax service via special online sales registers. You can set up interaction with an online sales register in our service. This requires the following:
  • adopt an online sales register of one of our partners (additionally enter into contract with the Fiscal Data Operator and place this online sales register on record to the tax service);
  • specify under your personal dashboard that you will send data for the receipts via YooMoney;
  • transmit the data for creating the receipts (under this protocol) to YooMoney.
In this case, additional steps for sending data for the receipts will be added to the general payment scenario. The payment process depends on the option you select in the Merchant Profile: send the receipt in one day (recommended) or in 5 minutes.

YooMoney does not send electronic receipts to customer: even if the customer receives an email about the payment, this is not a legitimate receipt. You can only send receipts to customers via the Fiscal Data Operator.

Sending the receipt in one day (recommended)
In this case, YooMoney sends everything simultaneously: notification on transfer to you and data for the receipt to your online sales register. If a problem occurs when transmitting the details, the tax service may fail to accept information about this payment.
This scheme is automatically activated for stores selling digital products, the ones where customers get what they bought at the moment of payment.
Payment process (sending the receipt in one day)
Step 1. The user selects the payment method and clicks Pay.
Step 2. The information that the user enters in the store’s interface is transmitted to YooMoney. The data for the receipts is transmitted together with this information. See Transmitting details for the receipts in payment forms
Step 3. The user sees YooMoney’s page for entering payment details with the payment method selected and the payment parameters specified.
Step 4. The user enters additional information (for example, bank card details).
Step 5. YooMoney sends a request for checking the order to the store (checkOrder).
Step 6. The merchant confirms the order’s validity or refuses to process the payment.
Step 7. YooMoney sends the user a payment confirmation request. For bank card payments the user is sent to a 3‑D Secure authentication page (if the issuing bank supports it).
Step 8. The user confirms payment (passes the 3‑D Secure authentication process).
Step 9. If the merchant responds positively to the order verification request (checkOrder), the money is debited.
Step 10. The user sees the result — a page with a message about successful payment, or a page with an error message.
Step 11. The results page displays a Back to store link. The user can click it to go to the page that you specified the address for in the settings.
Then YooMoney transmits the following:
  • payment notification (paymentAviso) to the store;
  • data for the receipt to the online sales register.
Further actions may vary.
Both notification and details for the receipt are delivered
This is the main success scenario; it is presented on the scheme.
Step 12. YooMoney sends notification about payment to the store.
Step 13. The store transmits positive reply.
Step 14. We transmit details for the receipt to your store’s online sales register.
Step 15. Online sales register returns success of the receipt fiscalization.
The notification is delivered, the details for the receipt are not delivered
Payment made.
If your online sales register is not responding or returns error, we repeat attempts to transmit the details for the receipt for one day. After that, we message you the details were not delivered.
The notification is not delivered, the details for the receipt are delivered
Payment failed.
The tax service will get the payment receipt, so a receipt for return of this payment need to be created. In this case, we send details for creating the refund receipt to your online sales register.
Sending the receipt in 5 minutes
In this case, we send data for the receipts to your online sales register and wait for the notice that they were delivered:
  • if the data are delivered, you will get a notification about successful payment;
  • if the data are not delivered, the payment is cancelled.
Therefore the tax service always receives information about payment if it is successful.
Payment process (sending the receipt in 5 minutes)
Differences from the main scenario are steps from 12 to 15.
Steps 1—11 are the same as sending data in one day.
Step 12. We transmit details for the receipt to your store’s online sales register.
Step 13. In response, online sales register transmits fiscalization details.
Step 14. If the data is accepted and the check is registered, after successful payment, the store receives a notification about the transfer (paymentAviso). If the online sales register does not respond within 5 minutes or returns an error:
  • the payment is canceled and the money is returned to the user;
  • the store receives email: the payment is cancelled due to issues with the receipt transmitting.
Step 15. If the merchant responds positively to the notification about payment, the payment is considered successful.
See also
Main payment scenario Parameters for creating a receipt