Test online platform
We recommend trying out payments on the test online platform when configuring the integration with YooMoney in order to avoid real money transactions in your account. To do that, you need to add the test platform in your Merchant Profile, configure it, and process a payment with test payment details on this platform.
Important You can add the test platform in your Merchant Profile only if you've implemented Safe Deal (by signing up for YooMoney following a special link or entering into a separate contract).
- Click on the block with your store name on the top left in your Merchant Profile (in the mobile version it's the store icon), then select Add an online platform.
- Select the type of the online platform (depending on who is going to receive payments on it: individuals or legal entities).
- Select Test online platform and specify how you're going to accept payments: on a website or without a website.If you'd like to accept payments on your website, enter its URL. Otherwise, you don't need to enter anything.
- When the test online platform appears on the list of your online platforms, configure it following this manual