YooMoney API
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Accepting payments for housing and public utilities
With YooMoney, you may accept payments for housing and public services. For example, for water, gas, electricity, and other utilities. To do this, set up the sending of payment data to the State Information System on Housing and Public Utilities (GIS HPU) via YooMoney, even if you already submit it directly.
Specifics of payments for housing and public utilities
  • The payments for housing and public utilities can't be processed in two stages
  • The payments can only be set up via API
  • Most of the parameters from your payment form must be sent to the Housing and Public Utilities in a mandatory manner. They must not be empty: this is a requirement of the GIS HPU.
Which payments aren't related to utilities
Payments for housing and public services don't include gardening partnerships (SNT) and membership fees. These details don't need to be sent.

Membership fees are contributions made only by members of the housing cooperative for providing additional services or remunerating the management personnel of the housing association.

If you accept membership fees, we'll ask you to send a letter of guarantee confirming that these payments don't need to be submitted to the GIS HPU.
It'll need to be sent to our address:
  • as a registered letter to 115035 Moscow, p/o 57, "YooMoney" NBCO LLC;
  • by courier to the Moscow office at 82 Sadovnicheskaya street, building 2.
How to sign up
  1. Sign up for YooMoney.
  2. Fill in the data for the contract, upload copies of documents in your Merchant Profile, and wait for the manager's reply.
  3. Sign the contract with YooMoney (you can use your digital signature
  4. Configure a website and start accepting payments.
How to configure a website
You probably will need the assistance to integrate the service independently. In order to invite your developer to the Merchant Profile, grant them access
If you have any questions about the integration, contact us at
Why it's important to submit payment data via YooMoney
According to the Law No. 209-FZ "On the State Information System on the Housing and Public Utilities", we're obliged to submit data on payments for housing and public services to the GIS HPU.
© 2025, "YooMoney", NBCO LLC