Signing the contract using the digital signature
You can sign the contract for payment acceptance via YooMoney using the qualified electronic signature (QES): that way, you won't have to print it out and sign it by hand. A contract signed using the QES is equivalent to a paper contract with a handwritten signature.
You can do it with the help of the Diadoc service: YooMoney uses it for electronic document flow.
If you're already working with a similar electronic document flow service provider, you can sign the contract there via roaming. You can find the instructions for that at the end of the manual.
How to sign the contract via Diadoc
Sign in to the service
You'll need the electronic signature certificate (downloaded to a USB drive or installed on your PC) to sign in to Diadoc and use the service afterwards. You can use the one with which you sign reports for the Federal Tax Service. If you don't have an electronic signature, you can get it at any authentication center.
Go to the website of the Diadoc service and click Sign in (in the top right corner).

You'll see a window: select the With certificate tab and follow the prompts on the screen to sign in to the service.

Find our company in the service
After you sign in to the service, go to the Partners section to find our company.
Go to Search and invitations and enter NBCO "YooMoney" into the search bar (or our INN (TIN): 7750005725).

When you find our company in the search results, click on the Send invitation button. We'll see your invitation and accept it, so that you could send us the signed contract.
Sign the contract
Once we accept your invitation, you can proceed to signing the contract.
Important To sign the contract, you need a paid package for sending outgoing documents in Diadoc. You can pay for it in the Settings and payments section.
- Download your contract in the YooMoney Merchant Profile.
- In Diadoc, go to the Documents section and select +New document.
- You'll see a window: upload a file with the contract there and fill out the fields:
- Recipient: enter the name of our organization: NBCO YooMoney (or INN (TIN) 7750005725).
- Document type: select Contract.
- Document No.: enter the contract number and signature date (the day when you sign the contract via Diadoc).
Important Don't forget to select Contract in the Document type field and enter the Document No.: just copy-paste it directly from the contract to avoid mistakes. - If you sign the contract using your own QES, click Sign and send.If the QES belongs to a different employee of your organization, go to Approval — Request signature and select the employee who has the rights to sign documents using the QES.
- Done: the contract is signed and sent to us. When we sign the contract, we'll contact you via email using the address with which you signed up for the Merchant Profile.
How to sign the contract via roaming
To sign the contract using a different electronic document flow service, you need to set up roaming.
To do that, contact us via email: and enter Roaming setup for electronic document flow as the subject. Specify the following information in the email: — название вашей организации, — ИНН и КПП вашей организации, — название вашего оператора ЭДО.
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