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How to pay with a bank card
What Cards Will Work
Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Мир, American Express и JCB
Если вы пользуетесь Mir Pay, можно заплатить картой через него
  1. Select the Bank card payment method in the store where you are going to pay, or on the YooMoney page.
  2. If we recognize you, we'll show you the card that you paid for the last time and let you select it right away. You only need CVC for payment (this is a code of three or four digits, usually on the back of the card).
    If YooMoney doesn't recognize your card, enter its details: number, expiration date and CVC, then click Pay. Specify your email address to get a receipt.
  3. Confirm payment — if the Bank that issued your card needs confirmation.
  4. Done. Payment is complete, and you can return to the website where you started the payment process by clicking the Return to the store button at the bottom of the page.