YooMoney API
Sign up for YooMoney
The account number is specified upon signing up with YooMoney and set out in the contract. You can change your banking details under your Merchant Profile in Contract section. How to do it
Когда платежи приходят на расчётный счёт
Money credited to your company's checking account on the next business day after payment.
Какая сумма приходит на счёт
Из полученных платежей вычитается комиссия ЮKassa, и, если есть, — задолженность за возвраты.
Cost of Providing Service
We do not charge service fee. We only charge a commission for successful payments.
How Interaction with YooMoney Formalized
All is set officially: your company enters into a contract with YooMoney and receives all required documents via email or by post or электронный документооборот.
The only obligatory document is passport.
Sole proprietors need to provide sole proprietor's passport.
Corporations need to provide their CEO's passport.
You might also need to provide the following:
  • your licenses if your company's business is subject to licensing,
  • passport of your chief executive's representative and this person's signatory authority if this person will sign the contract.
For Accounting
YooMoney furnishes all documents that your accounting department or tax service may need.
Certificates for accounting statements
We send certificates for past month to your email and repeat this information in your Merchant Profile. If in a month no payments were made, the certificate will not be created.
If some figures in certificates do not match, contact our accounting specialists at shoppay@yoomoney.ru, we will look into it.
Payment registers
The registers are created automatically and sent via email every day. You can get them again in the Acts and registers section of your Merchant Profile. View register format
You can look through the details about payments or download them as a file under your Merchant Profile
Questions and Answers
Changing Corporation
A certain corporation enters into contract with YooMoney. If this corporation changes, we need to enter into new contract.
  1. Fill out new Onboarding application: you will get a message with your application number.
  2. Send new number of your application to our manager. In this message, specify name of your former and new company and their form of incorporation.
We will send you an agreement on termination of our former contract and final certificate from the accounting department. After that, we are ready to enter into new contract.
Accepting payments by individuals
Individuals can accept payments via YooMoney if they are officially self-employed.
Individuals can start a YooMoney Wallet and accept payments:
  • by their Wallet number—tell this number to your payers and they will be able to make transfer from their Wallets or bank cards;
  • using a form or button — get some code, embed it into your site and accept transfers from cards or YooMoney e-wallets;
  • via email — send your invoice by email with a payment button in it.
Why do I need to attach the scans of the passport and the information on the beneficiaries
We are obligated to request this information from you in accordance with Federal Law No. 115-FZ "On Countering the Legalisation (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism".