YooMoney API
Sign up for YooMoney
How to switch to YooMoney
If you signed up for our service before it was rebranded (before November 9, 2020), you need to switch to YooMoney for Business by transferring your sign-in details from the old account over to your new YooMoney account. As you make the transition, the details will be transferred automatically, you'll just need to create a new password for your Merchant Profile.
  1. On the Merchant Profile sign-in page, enter your email address or phone number and click Next.
    You can also click on Start the transition to YooMoney for Business on the banner: that way, you'll jump to step 3 right away.
  2. If you have multiple accounts, select the one you used for signing in to your Merchant Profile (there's an icon of our service next to it in case you don't remember which one it was).
  3. If you enter your email address or phone number on the sign-in page, we'll show you which account the Merchant Profile is linked to: you'll need to sign in to Yandex under this account during the next step.
    If you were redirected to the sign-in page after clicking on the banner, we'll ask you to sign in to the required account via Yandex: the account you used for signing in to your Merchant Profile.
    You can also find the information about the transition to YooMoney for Business here if you'd like to (click on Transferring your account to YooMoney).
  4. Sign in to the account you used for signing in to your Merchant Profile.
    Important Make sure the account that you used for signing up for our service is selected in the sign-in form. If a different account is selected, sign in to the right one.
  5. When you sign in to the right account, allow YooMoney to access the data.
  6. Create a password for signing in to your Merchant Profile and YooMoney account (your Yandex account password won't change after that).
    Important We might ask you to enter your email address or phone number before this step: don't worry, just enter it and proceed.
  7. Done, you've switched to YooMoney for Business. Now you need your email address and new password for signing in to the Merchant Profile (instead of the Yandex username as before).
Right after that, you can use your Merchant Profile as usual.
If something's not working
Мы постарались сделать переход простым и всё предусмотреть, но иногда что-то идёт не так. Если у вас не получается перейти в ЮKassa или есть какие-то вопросы, попробуйте найти решение на этой странице или напишите нам.