YooMoney API
Sign up for YooMoney
Phone number
The phone number is needed to receive text message codes: to log in to your Merchant Profile and confirm important actions (for example, when working with secret keys).
How to link a phone number
You need to link the phone number to your Merchant Profile. To do this, enter your phone number when you sign up for YooMoney and confirm it with a text message code.
How to edit a phone number
  1. Click on your username (in the upper right corner) in the Merchant Profile and go to My account.
  2. Find the General tab and click Edit details.
  3. Select Edit phone number.
  4. Confirm the action with a text message code: we'll send it to the number linked to your Merchant Profile.
  5. Enter a new phone number and confirm it with a text message code.
Done! Now we'll send text message codes only to your new phone number.
No access to the phone number
If you've lost access to the phone number linked to your Merchant Profile, we recommend blocking the SIM card as soon as possible. To link a new phone number, fill in the application for editing the phone number and send it to us (with the director's signature and stamp, if any): by email to ecommerce@yoomoney.ru.
Enter "Restore access via phone" as the subject and add company's INN (TIN), shopid, or the application number (it'll help us identify your account faster).