History of Payouts
List of Payouts
In the Transactions section, you can see a list of all payouts you sent to customers (sorted by time: most recent at the top).

Here you can find the main information about each payout:
Icon with the payout method, i.e. where it was sent: to bank card, business account, wallet, phone balance, or FPS.
Payout number is the unique ID for the transaction. Working with the API, you assign a number to each payout (specified in the clientOrderId parameter)
Date and time when the payout was delivered to the recipient.
Where the payout was sent, meaning account number, phone number, or bank card number.
For payouts to bank cards, the RRN (Retrieval Reference Number, payment ID in the recipient's bank), the card mask, and card synonym are shown
Payout status
Icon | Status | Description |
![]() | Successful payment | Money successfully credited |
![]() | Processing | Money was sent, but yet to be delivered to the recipient. |
![]() | Not credited | The money was not credited. |
![]() | Refund or chargeback | Money was successfully credited to the recipient, but returned afterwards. |
Payment amount in rubles.
You can use filters to find one or several desired transactions in the history. Select the parameters and click Find, and transactions matching the parameters will appear in the list.

- Payout number, set by you or created automatically.
- Status, meaning the type of payout you're looking for: successful, in progress, failed, or returned.
- Money destination, i.e. it was sent to bank card, business account, wallet, or phone balance.
- Date range, used if you want to see payouts made within a certain period.
Each option in the Money destination filter has additional search parameters:
- Bank card — you can search by card mask (first 6 and last 4 digits of the number) and RRN.
- Bank account — by correspondent account number.
- YooMoney — by wallet number.
- Mobile phone balance — by phone number.
- FPS — via the Faster Payments System.
Export of Operations to a File
You can get the list of payments as file sent to your email address.
Set the required parameters in the filters (for example, you can download all successful payouts to wallets within three months) and click the export icon to the right of the Reset button.
Fields in the file with the selection:
Field | Description |
сreatedDt | Date and time of the operation by YooMoney's time. |
agentId | Identifier of your payment gateway. |
payoutType | Type of payout: using this method the client will receive the money. |
clientOrderId | Number of operation in your system. |
processedDT | Date and time of processing the operation. |
amount | Payout amount. |
amountCurrency | Currency code (for instance, 643—Russian ruble). |
customerId | Identifier of the transfer recipient. Depends on the type of the payout and may be one of the following:
rrn | Retrieval Reference Number — код транзакции в банке получателя при выплатах на банковский счет. Нужен для поиска информации о выплате в банке. |