YooMoney API
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Event logs
Merchant Profile keeps event logs for all payments and successful refunds for the past seven days. If a payment failed or other problems occured during the interaction between the store and YooMoney, you can view the logs to find and eliminate the cause.
Event logs are only available for stores connected to the YooMoney API (check it in the Protocol section of the Store's settings). They can be viewed by users with the Owner and Developer roles (see Users)
List of events
View the Event logs section of your Merchant Profile: it contains a list of all events for the past seven days (for all payments).
To view the log of a specific payment, find the payment in Payment history, select it, and click Payment logs.
This will open the list of events for the selected payment.
Each event in the list has:
Date — date and time the log was created.
URL запроса — адрес, на который отправлялся запрос. Он позволяет определить тип события:
POST /paymentsMaking a payment
GET /payments/{payment_id}Obtaining payment information
POST /payments/{payment_id}/captureCapturing payment
POST /payments/{payment_id}/cancelCanceling an incomplete payment
POST /refundsMaking a refund
GET /refunds/{refund_id}Obtaining refund information
GET /paymentsRequesting payment lists
GET /refundsRequesting refund lists
Response code is the result of the request. If the request fails, the response code is highlighted in red.
You can use the response code to determine the type of error (learn more about errors in the documentation):
  • 200 — request successfully processed,
  • 202 — request accepted but not processed yet,
  • 400 — syntax error in the client's request,
  • 401 — access to the requested resource requires authentication,
  • 403 — server can't execute the request because the client doesn't have access to threquested resource,
  • 404 — error in the URL of the web page,
  • 429 — too many requests within a short period of time,
  • 500 — internal server error.
How to search logs
You can use filters to search for events in the list.
Log search — for searching URL fragments, header values, and parameters in request and response body.
To search a URL fragment, use the parts of a link between slashes ("/..../»). For example, search for the "/payment-api-v3/" fragment by "payment-api-v3".
Response code — for displaying all the events with the required response code.
Period — for searching by date. You can select a specific date or range.
How to view logs
View the list of events and click on the required event to open the page with the log.
It contains the general information about the event:
shopid — это shopid вашего магазина
Sent — date and time the request was sent from your store to YooMoney
Idempotence key — transaction ID
Method — method of HTTP request (for example, GET or POST)
Request URL — URL the request was sent to
Response code — result of the request
Below (on the dark background) are the headers and contents of the request and response.
Logs include only headers that are important for working with the API:
User-Agent — клиент, из которого покупатель попал на соответствующую страницу (браузер, мобильное приложение и т.д.)
Content-Type — формат содержимого (xml, json)
Idempotence-Key — идентификатор операции
If necessary, you can copy the link to the log from the address bar and send it to another user of the Merchant Profile (if their role is Developer or Owner, otherwise the link won't open).