YooMoney API
Old versions of the API
Sign up for YooMoney
Payout process

The mass payouts protocol is now outdated. If you want to make payouts via the API, use the YooMoney API.

Выплата — это сумма денег, которую вы как компания платите физическому лицу или самозанятому. For example, cashback, lottery winnings, a loan, or paying out a self-employed individual's remuneration. Using YooMoney for Business, you can make payouts to YooMoney for Shopping wallets, bank cards, bank accounts, and mobile phone numbers.
To get started, select the integration method (regular payouts or payouts from a business account), sign up for YooMoney, get an ID of the balance from which you're going to make payouts to recipients, and integrate with YooMoney. Learn more about setting up payouts
Payout process:
  1. Make sure the payout balance has enough money, and top it up if necessary.
  2. Depending on the type of payouts, get the user information required for the transfer.
  3. For regular payouts (not from a business account): if you’re make payouts to bank cards, bank accounts, and mobile phone balance, the user must first accept the offer. It's necessary so that YooMoney could send a transfer order to the bank or mobile carrier.
  4. Если делаете выплаты самозанятым, получите от пользователя разрешение на регистрацию чеков для налоговой.
  5. Make sure you meet payout limits.
  6. Send the data for making the payouts to YooMoney for Business, i.e. where, to whom, and how much money must be transferred from your payout balance.
  7. Wait for the notification of success.
The payout status is displayed in Merchant Profile:
  • When making payouts to YooMoney for Shopping wallets, YooMoney for Business first checks if it’s possible to credit the money, and, if everything is in order, withdraws the necessary amount from your payout balance and transfers it to the user’s wallet. The payout statues are “Processing”, “Success”, and “Error”.
  • When making payouts to bank cards, bank accounts, or mobile phone numbers, YooMoney for Business withdraws the necessary amount from your payout balance and sends a transfer order to the bank or mobile carrier. The bank or mobile carrier checks if it’s possible to credit the money, and, if everything is in order, transfers it to the user. If something is wrong, they notify YooMoney for Business. YooMoney refunds the amount to your payout balance. The payout statues are “Processing”, “Success”, “Error”, and “Refund”.
Once a day, the YooMoney for Business sends out reports on successful and returned payouts for financial reconciliation.
If necessary, you can export a payout list and request an extract from the register (to confirm a successful payout) in your Merchant Profile. You can also download the generated receipts when making payouts to the self-employed.
See also
Types and limits of payouts Activating payouts Reports on successful and returned payouts
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