YooMoney API
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B2B payment reports
We send out a special register for payments from legal entities. You will receive it to the email address for the registers specified in the Merchant Profile. Standard registers of accepted payments will be sent in the usual manner.
В письме передается остаток суммы обеспечения для проведения платежей.
Registers can be sent:
  • in the email body;
  • in a CSV file attached to the email (on request).
Email format
REGISTER OF PAYMENTS FROM LEGAL ENTITIES FOR <Store name>. No. <sequential number of the report>
Email body
REGISTER OF PAYMENTS FROM LEGAL ENTITIES FOR <Store name>. No. <sequential number of the report>
Payment date: <>

Payment ID; Payment amount; Payment currency; Commission amount; Time of payment; Payment type; Purpose of payment; Full name of the organization; Abbreviated name of the organization; Address of the organization; Taxpayer Identification Number of the organization; Tax Registration Reason Code of the organization; Name of the organization’s bank; Branch of the organization’s bank; Bank Identification Code of the organization’s bank; Account number of the organization; Customer ID

The amount of <Payment type> type payments accepted: <total amount of successful payments of this type within one day>
The amount of fees for <Payment type> type payments: <total amount of fees for successful payments of this type>
The number of <Payment type> type payments: <number of payments of this type>

The balance of the security deposit's account: <balance value>

To: <Store name>
(Under the Contract No. <number of the Contract entered into between your company and YooMoney>)
Fields in reports
Payment IDUnique YooMoney transaction number (string, maximum of 32 characters). The value of the invoiceId parameter from the notification of successful payment.
Payment amountAmount of the transaction. The decimals are separated by the dot, and there is always two digits after the decimal point. There is no thousands separator.
Payment currencyThree-letter currency code (RUB is the Russian ruble).
Commission amountThe amount of the commission for processing a payment made by a legal entity.
Time of payment
Time of operation in YooMoney.
Date and time in YooMoney system in hh:mm:ss format.
Payment typeThe code of payment method at the YooMoney’s side (not used in requests).
Purpose of paymentThe purpose of the payment is sent to Sberbank Business Online at the time of creation of the payment order draft. The buyer can change it when paying via Sberbank Business Online.
Full name of the organizationInformation about the legal entity that made the payment.
Abbreviated name of the organization
Address of the organization
Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) of the organization
Tax Registration Reason Code (KPP) of the organization
Name of the organization’s bank
Branch of the organization’s bank
Bank Identification Code (BIC) of the organization’s bank
Account number of the organization
Customer IDCustomer ID used by merchant. Value of the payment form’s customerNumber parameter.
Report example
Date of payment: 13.06.2018

Payment ID; Payment amount; Payment currency; Commission amount; Time of payment; Payment type; Purpose of payment; Full name of the organization; Abbreviated name of the organization; Address of the organization; Taxpayer Identification Number of the organization; Tax Registration Reason Code of the organization; Name of the organization’s bank; Branch of the organization’s bank; Bank Identification Code of the organization’s bank; Account number of the organization; Customer ID

549755819524; 100500.00; RUB; 10500.00; 13.06.2018 17:46:58; 2S; Payment for contract No. 123; Public joint-stock company "Zvezda"; PJSC "Zvezda"; 1 Mira prospekt, Moscow, 123995, Russia; 5036032527; 525601001; PAO "SBERBANK of Russia", Severo-Zapadniy bank PAO "SBERBANK of Russia"; 046015602; 123456789; 4999

The amount of 2S-type payments accepted: 100500.00 RUB
The amount of fees for 2S-type payments: 10500.00 RUB
The number of 2S-type payments: 1

The balance of the security deposit's account: 60000.00 RUB

To: "Store_name" LLC
(Under contract 111.1111.11)
See also
Payment form B2B payments