YooMoney API
Sign up for YooMoney
Reports of accepted payments
Once a day, YooMoney creates a report of accepted payments. The report is sent in the body of an email message, to the address that you specify in your personal dashboard (Email for sending reports). It is signed with the YooMoney certificate (S/MIME signature). The report contains all transfers for the date shown.
Reports can also be sent over (S)FTP. For details, contact a YooMoney manager.
Daily registers
Email format
The email subject is generated from a template (numbering is continuous):
REGISTER OF PAYMENTS FOR <Store name>. No. <Number>
The email body is formed like this:
PAYMENT REGISTER FOR <Store name>. No. <number>
Payment date: <number> <>
Transaction number; Customer ID; Payment amount; Payment currency; Amount with a deduction of the fee; Time of payment; Payer’s Wallet number; Summary; Payment type
<Payment information>
The amount of <Payment type>-type payments accepted: <total amount of successful payments of this type within one day>
The amount of <Payment type>-type payments accepted with a deduction of the fee: <total amount of successful payments of this type with a deduction of the YooMoney fee>
The number of <Payment type>-type payments: <number of payments of this type>
The amount of payments accepted: <total amount of successful payments within one day>
The amount of payments accepted with a deduction of the fee: <total amount of successful payments with a deduction of the YooMoney fee>
The number of payments: <number of payments>

To: <Store name>
(Under the Contract No. <number of the Contract entered into between your company and YooMoney>)
Fields in reports
Transaction numberUnique YooMoney transaction number (string, maximum of 32 characters). The value of the invoiceId parameter from the notification of successful payment.
Customer IDPayer’s ID in the merchant’s system (string, maximum of 64 characters). Value from the payment form’s customerNumber parameter.
Payment amountAmount of the transaction. The decimals are separated by the dot, and there is always two digits after the decimal point. There is no thousands separator.
Payment currencyThree-letter currency code (RUB is the Russian ruble).
Amount with a deduction of the feeThe amount to be paid to the account. The decimals are separated by the dot, and there is always two digits after the decimal point. There is no thousands separator.
Time of payment
Time of operation in YooMoney.
Date and time in YooMoney system in hh:mm:ss format.
Payer’s Wallet numberThe number of the YooMoney for Shopping wallet that the payment was made from.
SummaryName of purchased product in YooMoney system.
Payment typeThe method that was used for making the payment. Values correspond to the paymentType parameter values (see Payment method codes). Optional field.
Report example
Subject: PAYMENT REGISTER for Store_name. No. 3355

PAYMENT REGISTER for "Store name" LLC. No. 3355
Payment date: 14.03.2014
Transaction number; Customer ID; Payment amount; Payment currency; Amount with a deduction of the fee; Time of payment; Payer’s Wallet number; Summary; Payment type
549755819524; 4956; 10.00; RUB; 9.50; 18.12.2007 17:46:58; 410038366898; payment for Online store services; GP
549755819525; 4957; 15.00; RUB; 14.25; 18.12.2007 17:47:32; 410038366898; payment for Online store services; PC
The amount of PC-type payments accepted: 15.00 RUB
The amount of PC-type payments accepted with a deduction of the fee: 14.25 RUB
The number of PC-type payments: 1
The amount of GP-type payments accepted: 10.00 RUB
The amount of GP-type payments accepted with a deduction of the fee: 9.50 RUB
The number of GP-type payments: 1
The amount of payments accepted: 25.00 RUB
The amount of payments accepted with a deduction of the fee: 23.75 RUB
The number of payments: 2

To: "Store name" LLC
(Under the Contract No. 111.1111.11)
Registers for a custom period
You can load data on transfers for any time period in your personal dashboard. To do this, go to Document flow — Registers, select the desired period, specify email for reports, and click Get reports. A file with your selection would be sent to the email for reports.
See also
Payment form Description of the payment process Processing HTTP notifications