YooMoney API
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July 1
The protocol stops supporting the “Installments” payment method (CR):
  • Payments by this method are unavailable.
  • You can refund payments made by this payment method until December 31, 2024 inclusive (until 11:59:59 PM by Moscow time). If 30 days or more have passed since the date of payment, notify the manager before making a refund: they will help you do it properly.
February 21
The QIWI Wallet payment method (QW) has been disabled due to the fact that QIWI Bank had its license revoked. Payments and refunds for this method are unavailable.
June, 15
The protocol no longer supports the Alfa-Click and ERIP (Belarus) payment methods.
December, 16
Added a new payment method: Mir Pay.
August, 19
The protocol no longer supports the MasterPass payment method.
April, 20
The protocol no longer supports the Apple Pay and Google Pay payment methods.
March, 25
You can't issue reusable payment codes for cash payments made via payment kiosks anymore. Codes issued earlier can still be used.
If you want to accept payments in cash via payment kiosks, make a request to generate a one-time code: in the payment form, specify paymentType=GP as the payment method and include the payment amount in the sum parameter.
March, 11
All transactions via Visa, Mastercard, JCB, and American Express cards issued abroad have been suspended in Russia. Therefore, there are restrictions on using Apple Pay and Google Pay:
  • Payments via Apple Pay are only available for MIR cards.
  • Payments via Google Pay are no longer available for Mastercard and Visa cards, therefore, we've temporarily disabled this payment method. We'll enable it again if it becomes possible to add MIR cards to Google Pay.
February, 11
The WebMoney payment method (WM) has been disabled due to the fact that WebMoney's settlement bank had its license revoked. Payments and refunds for this method are unavailable.
February, 7
The SberBank Online payment method has been disabled. If you need to refund payments via SberBank Online, you can do so until April 10, 2022 inclusive (until 11:59:59 PM by Moscow time).
To accept payments via SberBank, use the SberPay payment method.
October, 6
The SberBank Online payment method is about to be disabled:
  • If you’d like to start accepting payments via SberBank, use SberPay.
  • If you already accept payments via SberBank Online, you’ll be switched to SberPay automatically.
May, 21
Added error code 616 which is returned in response to a returnPayment request when you're trying to return a transfer after its refund period expired.
May, 12
Added a new payment method via SberBank — SberPay. YooMoney switches those who has access to the SberBank Online payment method to SberPay.
December, 22
Limitation added for payment refunds: successful payments via SberBank Online (SB payment method code) can only be refunded within a year since the date of order registration in YooMoney (orderCreatedDatetime in the notification of order verification).
December, 10
  • Для аутентификации соединений с серверами ЮKassa теперь нужен сертификат, выданный удостоверяющим центром ООО НКО «ЮМани» (NBCO YooMoney). В инструкции для получения сертификата обновлены заявка на сертификат, цепочка сертификации для проверки сертификата конечного сервера и список отозванных сертификатов (CRL).
  • Платежную форму теперь нужно отправлять на новый адрес:
  • Запросы по Протоколу управления заказами теперь нужно отправлять по новому адресу:
  • Адрес электронной почты для связи с менеджерами ЮKassa изменен на, адрес для связи по техническим вопросам изменен на
June, 5
Added limit for refunds: a successful payment can only be refunded within three years since the date of order registration in YooMoney (orderCreatedDatetime in order verification notification).
February, 6
The option to accept payments from legal entities via SberBank Business Online is now available to clients of any banks.
October, 11
Added the option to accept payments via direct carrier billing.
July, 1
  • We added the option of transferring user data (customer parameter) as well as additional product information (productCode, countryOfOriginCode, customsDeclarationNumber, and excise parameters) for the receipt when creating or refunding a payment.
  • The customerContact parameter is now deprecated. You can still use it but we recommend sending the data in the customer parameter.
June, 11
The YooMoney demo environment is removed from service. Use the demo store for testing the payments.
November, 13
We now support FFD 1.05 for compatibility with online sales registers, allowing you to send the payment form with two new parameters in addition to the data for the receipt: payment subject (paymentSubjectType) and payment method (paymentMethodType). Both parameters are optional.
April, 26
The “KupiVKredit” payment method (paymentType=KV) is no longer supported.
September, 12
August, 25
  • We added description of 428 error (refund is forbidden for this payment method).
  • You can only transmit email address in HTTP and Email payment form in the cps_email parameter. Otherwise the request will return error.
August, 14
July, 28
We added an explanation for sending details for the receipt when putting an operation on hold. Details for the receipt are transmitted to your online sales register on the first stage: if the authorization was successful. If the amount is adjusted upon the payment confirmation, a return receipt is transmitted, and then a receipt for this new operation is transmitted. If the payment is cancelled on the second stage, a return receipt is transmitted.
June, 11
  • We added the environment parameter to the listOrders method, which allows for distinguishing test and real operations.
  • If you transmit parameters for the receipt in the returnPayment method and cannot receive a precise amount (one kopeck less or one kopeck bigger), you need to transmit the amount that is one kopeck bigger.
  • Clarified: the time of a payment in the registers of accepted transfers is the time when this operation was created in YooMoney.
June, 5
We added explanations to the description of parameters for creating the receipt. We also changed examples.
June, 1
We added an option of transmitting fiscal data to online sales register adopted by the store. Online sales register transmits these data to the Operator of Fiscal Data; these data is used for creating a receipt for the buyer (this protocol does not include creating a receipt for the buyer).
You can view changes in the special section: Changes of protocol for work under Federal Law No. 54
We added the following sections:
The amendments affect the following pages:
May, 17
Updated information on:
  • you can only provide deferred payments for paymentType=AC (payment with a bank card);
  • when paying via KupiVkredit (paymentType=KV), all parameters with the qualifier goods_ are optional. Parameter seller_id is not transferred. (See Payment form).
April, 6
Updated information on:
  • customerNumber and orderNumber parameters in all normalizedString cases;
  • payments via KupiVkredit (paymentType=KV) do not require category_code_N and goods_description_N (see Payment form).
March, 14
  • The (QP) payment method no longer works (service closed);
  • the YooMoney activation method CMS Module is now called the Payment module.
February, 28
Updated information on:
  • The listReturns method should simultaneously specify either the invoiceId and shopID parameters or the from, till and shopID parameters.
  • The reason for the request (planned replacement) was added to the SSL certificate request.
  • If you can do a return on a payment order, then you can also do it automatically.
  • In the createInvoice request, the offline value is passed into the payMethod parameter by default.
January, 26
For deferred payment using a bank card, the merchant gets the paymentAviso notification after money is successfully reserved on the payer’s card.
December, 14
Added documentation for:
  • Requesting a QR code. You can send a request with payment form data for paying for an order, get a response with a QR code in SVG format, and display it for the user (or print it and stick it on the product package).
  • Error codes that are returned in response to the createInvoice request (614 and 615).
Updated information on:
October, 21
Updated information on:
September, 29
Added documentation for:
May, 17
Added documentation for:
April, 12
  • Added information about Smart Payments to the description of the payment process.
  • Updated the description of payments using credit.
  • Corrected the descriptions of several parameters and added some important notes.
March, 2
Added documentation for:
  • The payment methods section has new information about the invoice expiration when paying via external payment systems.
  • Fixed several minor discrepancies.
December, 25
Updated a new payment scenario with the choice of payment method on the YooMoney side (see the description of the two scenarios and the examples of payment forms).
November, 23
  • Details of working with repeatCardPayment (additional parameters for the payment form and the checkOrder and paymentAviso requests).
  • Description of working with test Wallets when testing payment.
October, 1
September, 1
Added documentation for: