listOrders method
This is an old version of the API. Switch to the YooMoney API.
Getting a list of orders and their properties.
Address for calling the operation
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
requestDT | dateTime | Date and time of the request according to time in the merchant’s system. Required parameter. |
outputFormat | normalizedString | Format for the request results. Acceptable values — XML or CSV .Optional parameter; XML by default. |
csvDelimiter | string, 1 character | Value delimiter for CSV format. Must not be the quotation mark character ("). Optional parameter: semicolon (;) by default. |
shopId | long | ID of the store that the list of orders is being requested for. If this parameter is omitted, orders are returned for the shopId that this MWS user has rights to get lists of orders for. |
orderCreatedDatetimeGreaterOrEqual | dateTime | Lower bound of the order creation time. Selects orders that were created at the time or later than the time set in this parameter. |
orderCreatedDatetimeLessOrEqual | dateTime | Upper bound of the order creation time. Selects orders that were created at the time or earlier than the time set in this parameter. |
paid | boolean | If this parameter is set to true , only paid orders are returned.If this parameter is set to false , only unpaid orders are returned.If this parameter is omitted, both paid and unpaid orders are returned. |
paymentDatetimeGreaterOrEqual | dateTime | Lower bound of the order payment time. Selects orders that were paid at the time or later than the time set in this parameter. |
paymentDatetimeLessOrEqual | dateTime | Upper bound of the order payment time. Selects orders that were paid at the time or earlier than the time set in this parameter. |
invoiceId | long | Unique transaction number in YooMoney. |
orderNumber | string, up to 64 characters | Unique order number in the merchant’s system. This parameter can be used if YooMoney gets order numbers from the merchant and stores them. |
outputFields | string, up to 4,000 characters | List of order properties that should be output in the request execution results. Names in the list are separated by a semicolon (;). Default value The complete list of order properties is specified in the Response section. |
At least one of the following conditions must be in the parameters of the request for the list of orders:
- transaction number (
) and the store ID (shopId
); - order number (
) and the store ID (shopId
); - time range of order creation (
); - time range of order payment (
For requests by transaction number (
) or order number (orderNumber
), the request must specify the store ID (shopId
).For requests that restrict the results by the time range of order creation or payment, the following rules apply:
- if only one bound is set for the time range of order creation or payment, the default value is taken for the second one. The default value for the upper bound is the current time in the YooMoney service. The default value for the lower bound is the time of the upper bound specified in the request, minus 24 hours;
- if the time range for order payment is set, the request must include the
parameter set totrue
; - the length of a time range restricting the results must not be longer than 31 days;
- the number of records in the results must not exceed 10,000.
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderCount | int | Number of orders in the results. Response header field. Present for a successful selection of the list of orders ( listOrders ). |
shopId | long | Merchant ID issued by YooMoney during activation. |
articleId | long | YooMoney product ID. |
shopName | string, maximum of 64 characters | Store name. |
articleName | string, maximum of 128 characters | Product name. |
invoiceId | long | Unique transaction number in YooMoney. |
orderNumber | string, maximum of 64 characters | Order number in merchant’s system. If the YooMoney service gets order numbers from the merchant and stores them, this parameter contains the order number from the merchant’s system. Otherwise, this property contains the YooMoney transaction number. |
paymentSystemOrderNumber | string, maximum of 40 characters | YooMoney transfer ID. Shown only for paid orders. |
customerNumber | string, maximum of 64 characters | The customer ID from the merchant’s system (sent in the payment form). This could be a unique username, mobile phone number, contract number, and so on, depending on the store. |
createdDatetime | dateTime | Time when the order was registered in YooMoney. |
paid | boolean | Set to true if the order was paid for, otherwise false . |
paymentDatetime | dateTime | Time of order payment in YooMoney. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
paymentAuthorizationTime | long | Order number in the YooMoney processing center. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
payerCode | YMAccount | Payer’s account number. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
payerAddress | string, maximum of 33 characters | Payer’s IP address, if known. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
payeeCode | YMAccount | Account number of the transfer recipient when the order was paid. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
paymentSystemDatetime | dateTime | Time order payment was registered in YooMoney processing center. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
avisoReceivedDatetime | dateTime | Time order payment was registered in the merchant’s system. Present if the merchant received notification of this payment at the time of request. |
avisoStatus | int | Status code for the Payment notification. List of status codes for notifications of payments |
avisoRegistryId | long | Number of the report on accepted payments that contains this order. May be omitted in the response. |
orderSumAmount | CurrencyAmount | Order amount. |
orderSumCurrencyPaycash | CurrencyCode | Currency code for orderSumAmount . |
orderSumBankPaycash | CurrencyBank | Code of the processing center for orderSumAmount . |
contractAmount | CurrencyAmount | The amount of the payment in the currency of the payer’s account. May be omitted in the response. |
contractCurrency | CurrencyCode | Currency code of the payer’s account. May be omitted in the response. |
paidSumAmount | CurrencyAmount | The amount paid by the Payer. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
paidSumCurrencyPaycash | CurrencyCode | Currency code for paidSumAmount .This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
paidSumBankPaycash | CurrencyBank | Code of the processing center for paidSumAmount .This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
shopSumAmount | CurrencyAmount | The amount that is credited to the merchant’s account: the order amount, minus the YooMoney commission. |
shopSumCurrencyPaycash | CurrencyCode | Currency code for the amount that is credited to the merchant’s account. |
shopSumBankPaycash | CurrencyBank | Processing center code for the amount that is credited to the merchant’s account. |
receivedSumAmount | CurrencyAmount | The amount that YooMoney receives from the Payer. This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
receivedSumCurrencyPaycash | CurrencyCode | Currency code for receivedSumAmount .This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
receivedSumBankPaycash | CurrencyBank | Code of the YooMoney processing center for receivedSumAmount .This value is included in the response only for paid orders. |
paymentFormParams | string | Payment form parameters. The value is shown in the response only for stores that have the “save payment form parameters” option set. |
paymentType | normalizedString | Payment method |
agentId | long | YooMoney internal parameter. May be omitted in the response. |
uniLabel | string | Unified transaction label in the YooMoney service. |
clearing | string | Confirmation status of a payment deferred by the merchant. Possible values:
This value is present in the response if the store is set up for deferred payments, and transmitting information about these payments is allowed in the response to listOrders . |
environment | string | Order status allows for distinguishing real and test operations. Possible values:
If you want to get information about deferred payments in the request for the list of successful payments, contact a YooMoney manager.
Example of a successful response in XML format
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <listOrdersResponse status="0" error="0" processedDT="2011-08-02T14:50:25.089+03:00" orderCount="2"> <order shopId="1" articleId="2" invoiceId="2000024720731" shopName="Your store" articleName="Ushanka" orderNumber="14828233603000" paymentSystemOrderNumber="483536611593030008" customerNumber="800350518" createdDatetime="2011-08-02T14:43:30.676+03:00" paid="true" orderSumAmount="17.28" orderSumCurrencyPaycash="643" orderSumBankPaycash="1003" paidSumAmount="17.28" paidSumCurrencyPaycash="643" paidSumBankPaycash="1003" receivedSumAmount="17.28" receivedSumCurrencyPaycash="643" receivedSumBankPaycash="1003" shopSumAmount="17.28" shopSumCurrencyPaycash="643" shopSumBankPaycash="1003" paymentDatetime="2011-08-02T14:43:31.593+03:00" paymentAuthorizationTime="483536611593030008" payerCode="41003422841475" payerAddress="" payeeCode="41003131475668" paymentSystemDatetime="2011-08-02T14:43:31.593+03:00" avisoReceivedDatetime="2011-08-02T14:43:31.298+03:00" avisoStatus="1000" paymentType="AC" agentId="200002" uniLabel="1cd18622-0004-5000-8000-01d1aac3555b" environment="Live" /> <order shopId="1" articleId="2" invoiceId="2000024720733" shopName="Your store" articleName="Ushanka" orderNumber="40522286348326" paymentSystemOrderNumber="483536613043117008" customerNumber="810844412" createdDatetime="2011-08-02T14:43:32.203+03:00" paid="false" orderSumAmount="2.08" orderSumCurrencyPaycash="643" orderSumBankPaycash="1003" paidSumAmount="2.07" paidSumCurrencyPaycash="643" paidSumBankPaycash="1003" environment="Live" /> </listOrdersResponse>
If the value of any property can’t be defined (for example, the time of transfer for an unpaid order), the corresponding attribute will be omitted from the XML response.
Example of a successful response in CSV format
status=0;error=0;processedDT=2011-08-02T14:46:58.096+03:00;orderCount=2 shopId;shopName;articleId;articleName;invoiceId;orderNumber;paymentSystemOrderNumber;customerNumber;createdDatetime;paid;orderSumAmount; orderSumCurrencyPaycash;orderSumBankPaycash;paidSumAmount;paidSumCurrencyPaycash;paidSumBankPaycash;receivedSumAmount;receivedSumCurrencyPaycash; receivedSumBankPaycash;shopSumAmount;shopSumCurrencyPaycash;shopSumBankPaycash;paymentDatetime;paymentAuthorizationTime;payerCode;payerAddress;payeeCode; paymentSystemDatetime;avisoReceivedDatetime;avisoStatus;paymentType;agentId;uniLabel;environment 1;"Your store";2;"Ushanka";2000024717776;"2011.08.02 09:07:32";483512879684006008;97881;2011-08-02T08:07:59.148+03:00;true;10.15;643;1003;10.15;643; 1003;10.15;643;1003;10.15;643;1003;2011-08-02T08:07:59.684+03:00;483512879684006008;41003476047679;;41003131475668;2011-08-02T08:07:59.684+03:00; 2011-08-02T08:07:59.660+03:00;1000;AC;200002;1cd12967-0001-5000-8000-000000034fd8;Live 1;"Your store";2;"Ushanka";2000024717780;2000024717780;483512937773006008;770367;2011-08-02T08:08:57.175+03:00;true;10.00;643;1003;10.00;643; 1003;10.00;643;1003;10.00;643;1003;2011-08-02T08:08:57.773+03:00;483512937773006008;41003494819180;;41003131475668;2011-08-02T08:08:57.773+03:00; 2011-08-02T08:08:57.730+03:00;1000;AC;200002;1cd129a4-0001-5000-8000-000000034fe1;Live
Example of error messages in XML format
<listOrdersResponse status="3" error="111" processedDT="2011-07-02T20:38:01.000+04:00" techMessage="Invalid value for the requestDT parameter" />
Example of error messages in CSV format
status=3;error=111;processedDT=2011-07-21T13:20:14.869+04:00;”techMessage=Invalid value for the requestDT parameter”
See also