YooMoney API
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Reports for Split payments
YooMoney generates daily reports on successful transactions (payments and refunds). They’re sent to the email address that you specified in the Documents—Reports section of your YooMoney Merchant Profile. A report contains all the transactions carried out on a specific date (from 12:00:00 AM to 11:59:59 PM by Moscow time). If there were no transactions within the specified date, you will receive an empty report.
There are two ways to receive reports: in the email body (default option) and in a CSV file attached to the email (enabled upon request).
When using Split payments, you'll receive the following reports:
Each type of report is sent in a separate email.
Reports you receive are different from reports sellers receive. Sellers' reports only contain their own transactions. You receive reports on all payments and refunds.
Payment reports
Each report contains all the payments that changed to the succeeded status during the reporting period.
Fields in the report
Fields in the reportDescription
Payment identifierUnique identifier of a payment in YooMoney, sent in the id field of the response to a request for creating a payment .
Payment amountTransaction amount. The decimals are separated by the dot, and there are always two digits after the decimal point, no thousands separator.
Payment currencyThree-letter currency code (RUB stands for the Russian ruble).
Amount with commission deductedAmount credited to your business account. The decimals are separated by the dot, and there are always two digits after the decimal point, no thousands separator.
Date and time of paymentDate and time when the payment was created in YooMoney in the following format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss. Example: 18.06.2021 17:46:58
ID of the means of paymentNumber of the YooMoney wallet used for making the payment. Other payment methods are specified by the internal account number on YooMoney’s side.
DescriptionValue set in the description field, sent in response to a request for creating a payment .
Payment typeCode of the payment method on YooMoney’s side (not used in requests).
Payer's nameFirst name, last name, and patronymic of the YooMoney wallet’s owner. Specified only for payments over 15,000 rubles made via the YooMoney wallet.
Payer addressAddress of the YooMoney wallet’s owner. Specified only for payments over 15,000 rubles made via the YooMoney wallet.
INN (TIN)INN (Taxpayer Identification Number) of the YooMoney wallet’s owner. Specified only for payments over 15,000 rubles made via the YooMoney wallet.
Report example
DAILY PAYMENT REPORT FOR "Store name" LLC. # 100062
Date of payments: 15.12.2020
Payment identifier; Gross payment amount; Payment currency; Payment amount excluding commission; Date and time of payment; Payment method identifier; Description; Payment type; Payer name; Payer address; Payer's TIN

276a9776-000f-5000-a000-179a4d5c6bad; 2.00; RUB; 1.93; 15.12.2020 12:37:07; 41001860899377; Order No. 72; AC; ; ;
21b212e1-0016-50fb-9000-07aebf184c41; 8.00; RUB; 7.72; 15.12.2020 15:43:01; 41001860899377; Order No. 73; PC; ; ;
21b212f1-000f-50fb-9000-0866ab629d70; 4.00; RUB; 3.86; 15.12.2020 17:05:15; 41001860899377; Order No. 74; AC; ; ;

Total gross amount of payments accepted of type AC: 6.00 RUB
Total amount of payments less fees of type AC: 5.79 RUB
Number of payments of type AC: 2

Total gross amount of payments accepted of type PC: 8.00 RUB
Total amount of payments less fees of type PC: 7.72 RUB
Number of payments of type PC: 1

Total gross amount of payments accepted: 14.00 RUB
Total amount of payments less fees: 13.51 RUB
Number of payments: 3

To: "Store name" LLC

(Under Agent agreement 111.1111.11)
Refund reports
Each report contains all the refunds that changed to the succeeded status during the reporting period.
Fields in the report
Fields in the reportDescription
Refund IDUnique identifier of the refund in YooMoney, sent in the id field of the response to a request for creating a refund .
Payment IDUnique identifier of the original payment in YooMoney.
Refund amountTransaction amount. The decimals are separated by the dot, and there are always two digits after the decimal point, no thousands separator.
Refund currencyThree-letter currency code (RUB stands for the Russian ruble).
Date and time when the refund was credited to payer’s accountDate and time when the payment was created in YooMoney in the following format: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss. Example: 18.06.2021 17:46:58
ID of the means of paymentNumber of the YooMoney wallet used for making the payment. Other payment methods are specified by the internal account number on YooMoney’s side.
Refund amount in product’s currencyRefund amount in product’s currency specified in the store settings.
Payment currencyThree-letter currency code (RUB stands for the Russian ruble).
Payment typeCode of the payment method on YooMoney’s side (not used in requests).
DescriptionValue set in the description field, sent in response to a request for creating a refund .
Report example
REFUNDED PAYMENTS FROM "Store name" LLC. # 100062
Date of refunds: 30.11.2017

Refund identifier; Payment identifier; Refund amount; Refund currency; Date and time of refund; Payment method identifier; Refund amount in product's currency; Payment currency; Payment type; Description;

21b212e1-0016-50fb-9000-07aebf184c41; 21b212de-000f-50fb-9000-07958ca92b2a; 12.29; RUB; 30.11.2017 15:52:47; 410031218790019; 12.29; RUB; AC; Refund description;
21b212f4-0016-50fb-9000-0742ef0ad6bd; 21b212f1-000f-50fb-9000-0866ab629d70; 11.52; RUB; 30.11.2017 15:53:07; 410031218790019; 11.52; RUB; AC; Refund description 2;

Total amount: 23.81 RUB
Number of refunds: 2

From: "Store name" LLC

(Under agreement 111.1111.11)
See also
Certificates on services rendered