YooMoney API
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General scenario of conducting a deal
The general scenario of conducting a deal is as follows:
  1. Customer proceeds to the payment on your side.
  2. You create a deal in YooMoney specifying when the marketplace remuneration is to be sent to you: after the successful payment or after the deal is successfully closed.
  3. You create a payment as part of this deal. Depending on the integration scenario and the payment method, you implement the required payment confirmation scenario for the customer and wait for the payment.
  4. After the successful payment, YooMoney will debit the amount from the customer’s means of payment and holds it on its side. If you selected the Remuneration after the successful payment scenario, YooMoney will transfer the remuneration to you.
  5. If the seller completes their part of the deal:
    1. You receive the data from the seller on where to send their remuneration, and then create a payout within the deal.
    2. If the payout is successful, YooMoney will automatically close the deal. If you selected the Remuneration after the deal is closed scenario, YooMoney will transfer the remuneration to you.
  6. If the customer and the seller decided to cancel the deal (for example, if the seller did not fulfill their part of the deal or the customer refused to accept the goods or services):
    1. You create a payment refund within the deal.
    2. YooMoney refunds the payment to the customer and automatically closes the deal.

You can get the data for payout to the seller at any time: before making the payout, at the time of opening a deal, or even in advance. The only requirement is that you do it before creating a payout.

If you use the YooMoney solution for 54-FZ, you will need to send the data for a receipt after receiving the marketplace remuneration.
You can receive notifications of events, such as a change in the status of a deal, payment, refund, or payout , by subscribing to these notifications in your YooMoney Merchant Profile.
See also
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