YooMoney API
Old versions of the API
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Testing payouts
This article describes the procedure for checking payouts in the YooMoney's test mode. When you use the test mode, everything goes through as with real payouts, except that the money isn't transferred anywhere.
About test mode
The test mode is available once you've signed up for the Merchant Profile. You may test payouts at any time, even without submitting the company's information and signing a contract.
In order to use the test mode, you need to sign up for your Merchant Profile and create a test gateway.

In the test mode, all basic API features are available, even those that need to be enabled with a YooMoney manager for a real gateway.

Specifics of test mode:
  • it's necessary to use the identifier and secret key of the test gateway for authenticating requests;
  • special test data must be specified in the requests (depending on which features you'd like to test);
  • in the payout objects created for the test gateway, the test parameter has the true value.
Example of a test payout
    "id": "po-285ec15d-0003-5000-a000-08d1bec7dade",
    "amount": {
        "value": "2.00",
        "currency": "RUB"
    "status": "succeeded",
    "payout_destination": {
        "type": "yoo_money",
        "account_number": "4100116075156746"
    "description": "Payout for order No. 37",
    "created_at": "21.06.2021T14:28:45.132Z",
    "metadata": {
        "order_id": "37"
    "test": "test"
Testing options

Using the test mode, you may only check payouts to regular individuals.

You can check the following YooMoney API features:
You can test:
  • making successful payouts;
  • processing some payout limits;
  • processing some unsuccessful scenarios with payout cancellation (processing values of the cancellation_details object).
Test gateway
You can create a test gateway either before or after signing up for YooMoney.
If you haven’t signed up for YooMoney
Step 1. Sign up for YooMoney using this link.
Step 2. In the process, you'll see two options: continue sign-up or proceed to testing payments. Select testing payments. You’ll see the created demo Merchant Profile.
Step 3. Click on the block with the name of the store (or the store icon in the mobile version).
Block with the name of the store (on desktop)
Block with the name of the store (on desktop)
Block with the name of the store (on mobile)
Block with the name of the store (on mobile)
Step 4. Click Add a test gateway in the opened list. You will see the window for creating a test gateway.
Window for creating a test gateway
Window for creating a test gateway
Step 5. When creating a test gateway, specify that you're going to use a new API, enter the necessary information, and click Add. The newly created test gateway will be displayed within a minute.
If you have a YooMoney Merchant Profile
Step 2. Click on the block with the name of the gateway (or the wallet icon in the mobile version)
Block with the name of the gateway (on desktop)
Block with the name of the gateway (on desktop)
Block with the wallet icon (on mobile)
Block with the wallet icon (on mobile)
Step 3. Click Add a test gateway in the opened list. You will see the window for creating a test gateway.
Window for creating a test gateway
Window for creating a test gateway
Step 4. When creating a test gateway, specify that you're going to use a new API, enter the necessary information, and click Add. The newly created test gateway will be displayed within a minute.
Testing integration
Step 1. Obtain the identifier and secret key of the test gateway. They're required for authenticating requests.
Step 2. Select the features you'd like to test:
Step 3. Follow the instructions to test the selected features.
Making real payouts
If you successfully checked everything and ready to start making real payouts, make sure to use the details of a real gateway (not a test one) for authenticating requests.
Check that all the features you'd like to use are enabled. To do this, make a test payout for a minimum amount or contact your manager to learn more about available features. If necessary, discuss the options you need with your manager and wait until the gateway will be configured for you.
See also
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