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Payouts via the YooMoney API
A payout is the amount of money that you as a company transfer to an individual. For example, cashback, a prize, a loan, remuneration paid to the self-employed. Using the YooMoney API, you can make payouts to bank cards, to YooMoney wallets, and via the FPS (Faster Payments System of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). Any individuals and self-employed may receive payouts.

This section describes the procedure of enabling regular payouts. If you are using Safe Deal, you have to make payouts as part of the deal. More about Safe Deal payouts

How payouts work
Once you enable payouts, you will have a YooBusiness account and a gateway for payouts in YooMoney. There may be several gateways: the number of gateways depends on your tasks and the features that you are going to use.
Each gateway has a balance, i.e. the amount that you have allocated for payouts. The gateway balance (payout balance) must be replenished from your YooBusiness account. Replenishment of the balance is only a reservation of money as it will actually be debited from your current account once a day for all successful payouts that you made the day before.
To make a payout:
  1. Check the status of your payout balance. If you don’t have enough money to make a payout, add more.
  2. Get payout details from the user, for example, the number of the YooMoney wallet that you want to transfer money to.
  3. Make sure that you meet payout limits depending on the method of receiving money that was selected by the user.
  4. Send a request for making a payout to YooMoney.
  5. Wait for the successful execution of your request.
YooMoney charges a commission for making payouts: a certain share of the amount out of each successful transaction (you can find more details in the contract). When making a payout, YooMoney will calculate the amount it will charge for the transaction and immediately deduct the commission from your balance.
YooMoney generates daily reports of successful payouts for financial reconciliation. They contain information on the commission charged for each payout. More about reports
API features for payouts
Using the YooMoney API, you can:
  • Transfer money to bank cards, to YooMoney wallets, and via the FPS.
  • Make payouts for the self-employed to bank cards and YooMoney wallets with automatic receipt registration in the Moi Nalog service.
  • Request the right to register receipts in the Moi Nalog service from the self-employed.
  • Make payouts with preliminary identification of the recipient of the transfer and the owner of the means of payment as one and the same person (only for payments via the FPS).
  • Передавать дополнительные данные для выписки из реестра выплат.
  • Save your payment details and use them for both payouts and payment acceptance (only for bank cards).
  • Find out the balance of payouts.
You can check the integration in the test mode. Payouts in test mode are similar to real payouts, except no real money is transferred anywhere. Test mode is available right after you sign up with YooMoney: you can test payouts at any time, even before you enter into a contract. More about test mode

If you have previously used the YooMoney Mass Payouts Protocol, please check out the differences between the YooMoney API and the Mass Payouts Protocol.

Enabling payouts
To make payouts via the YooMoney API, contact your YooMoney manager and let them know you want to make payouts via the API. After that, open a current account in YooBusiness, sign up with YooMoney, and integrate with the API. More about enabling payouts
See also
Payout types and limits
Legal information
Terms and Conditions of the YooMoney ServiceElectronic Document Flow Agreement
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