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Making payouts via a data collection widget
Payout widget is the easiest way to make payouts to bank cards via YooMoney. The article describes features of the widget and how it can be used to make payouts.
Payout widget: a data collection form
Payout widget: a data collection form
Features of the widget
Using the YooMoney widget, you may embed a ready-made data collection form on your website. The form automatically adjusts to the size of the user's device, checks the entered data, and informs the user of mistakes. You can customize the interface language and color scheme of the form.
When a user enters their card number into the data collection form, YooMoney saves the card number in the system and returns to you the following details:
  • Card synonym: a bank card ID used in the YooMoney system. The synonym should be used when you process a payout.
  • Masked bank card number (card mask) and other data that will be used to display the user's card data in your interface.
You can keep this data on your side without fear of leakage. Their publication doesn't result in financial or image losses.
A bank card synonym can be used multiple times and for different payouts. Multiple synonyms can be made for the same card. The synonym can be received at any time before you've processed a payout.
The widget has versioning. This means that the widget on your website will work in a certain way: it'll display the version that you activated. List of versions
Payout processing scenarios with the use of a widget
You can exchange the card number for a synonym in advance or just before you process a payout.
Receiving details in advance
For this scenario, receiving bank card details and making payouts are two different processes. For example, a user enters the card number when they sign up for your service and you process payouts later.
Receiving and saving card details:
  1. The user of your website proceeds to enter the bank card number that will be used to receive money.
  2. You initialize a widget and display a form.
  3. The recipient enters the bank card number and selects Next.
  4. The widget shows the user that the data is being processed.
  5. The widget sends the card number to YooMoney.
  6. YooMoney returns the bank card synonym and other data.
  7. The widget returns the data received from YooMoney to you.
  8. You save the card synonym and data that will be used to display the card information in the interface.
  9. You inform the user that their card number was successfully saved.
Payout processing:
  1. You send a payout processing request using the card synonym to YooMoney.
  2. YooMoney sends an order to the acquirer to transfer money to the payout recipient.
  3. The acquirer processes the request and reports on the results of the transaction.
  4. YooMoney returns the payout object with the final status to you.
  5. You provide the user with the payout results.
Obtaining data during the payout process
In this scenario, you get your bank card details just before the payout is made:
  1. The user of your website proceeds to enter the bank card number that will be used to receive money.
  2. You initialize a widget and display a form.
  3. The recipient enters the bank card number and selects Next.
  4. The widget shows the user that the data is being processed.
  5. The widget sends the card number to YooMoney.
  6. YooMoney returns the bank card synonym and other data.
  7. The widget returns the data received from YooMoney to you.
  8. If you need to make payouts to the same user in the future, you save the card synonym and data to display the card information in the interface.
  9. You send a payout processing request using the card synonym to YooMoney.
  10. YooMoney sends an order to the acquirer to transfer money to the payout recipient.
  11. The acquirer processes the request and reports on the results of the transaction.
  12. YooMoney returns the payout object with the final status to you.
  13. You provide the user with the payout results.
Making payouts using a widget
Step 1. Select the payout processing scenario you need.
Step 2. Activate a widget. If necessary, customize the color scheme and interface language.
Step 3. Implement the required logic of processing payouts using the bank card synonym.
See also
Payouts to bank cards by card number
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