YooMoney API
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Reference for receipt parameter values
Below are the possible values for the following parameters of the receipt object as well as the request parameters for creating a receipt :
  • tax systems codes;
  • VAT rates codes;
  • payment subject attributes;
  • payment mode;
  • unit of measurement of product quantity;
  • payment type;
  • agent type.
Tax systems codes
Tax system code is specified in the tax_system_code parameter.
Possible value is a number from 1 to 6.
CodeTax system
1General tax system
2Simplified (STS, income)
3Simplified (STS, income with costs deducted)
4Unified tax on imputed income (ENVD)
5Unified agricultural tax (ESN)
6Patent Based Tax System

Items with different tax_system_code values should be included in different receipts.

VAT rates codes
VAT rate code is specified in the vat_code parameter.
Possible value is a number from 1 to 10.
CodeVAT rate
1VAT not included
20% VAT rate
310% VAT rate
420% VAT rate
510/110 estimate VAT rate
620/120 estimate VAT rate
75% VAT rate
87% VAT rate
95/105 estimate VAT rate
107/107 estimate VAT rate
Special VAT rates 5% and 7%
On January 1, 2025, new VAT rates were introduced for those who work under the simplified taxation system (STS). In addition to standard VAT rates (20%, 10%, 0%), two more new special rates have been added: 5% and 7%.
If you'd like to specify data receipt details using new VAT rates:
Step 1. Make sure your online sales register already supports these rates. List of online sales register providers that are ready to work with the new VAT rates
Step 2. If you use Evotor, configure the sales register: connect the new rates using the instruction.
Step 3. Start specifying the VAT rate code that you need in the vat_code parameter.

If the sales register doesn't support new VAT rates yet, follow the recommendations of the Federal Tax Service. How to send requests if the online sales register doesn't support new rates

List of online sales register providers that are ready to work with the new VAT rates
Name of the online sales registerSupport of 5% and 7% VAT rates
ATOL OnlineSupports ✅
Business.RuSupports ✅
Kit InvestSupports ✅
KOMTET KassaSupports ✅
ModulKassaSupports ✅
Doesn't support ❌
Supports ✅
You need to connect the new rates separately on the sales register's side using the instruction
aQsi onlineSupports ✅
digitalkassaSupports ✅
LIFE PAYSupports ✅
MertradeSupports ✅
Orange DataSupports ✅
RocketRSupports ✅
How to send the data for receipts if the online sales register doesn't support the new rates
If your online sales register doesn't support the VAT rates of 5% and 7% yet, then according to recommendations of the Federal Tax Service, you may temporarily continue to create receipts following the former rules, but you should include the VAT in the payment amount.
When you send the request with the data for the receipt:
  • Specify the items.vat_code parameter with the 1 ("No VAT") value.
  • Specify the product price with a special VAT rate (5% or 7%) in the items.amount parameter.
  • In the total payment or refund amount (amount), set the amount for all products considering new VAT rates.

This is a temporary solution. Once your online sales register starts supporting new rates, you'll need to start creating receipts using new VAT rates.

Payment subject attributes
The payment subject attribute is specified in the payment_subject parameter.
Possible values:
Available starting from FFD 1.05
exciseExcisable goods
casinoПлатеж казино
gambling_betGambling bet
gambling_prizeGambling winnings
lotteryLottery ticket
lottery_prizeLottery winnings
intellectual_activityIntellectual property
agent_commissionAgent’s commission
property_rightProperty rights
non_operating_gainNon-operating income
insurance_premiumInsurance tax
sales_taxSales tax
resort_feeResort fee
compositeSeveral subjects
Available starting from FFD 1.2
markedProduct which must be marked with the means of identification which has a marking code, except excisable products ("ТМ" in the receipt). Example: footwear, perfume, or light industry
non_markedProduct which must be marked with the means of identification which doesn't have a marking code, except excisable products (ТНМ in the receipt). Example: fur products
marked_exciseExcisable product which must be marked with the means of identification which has a marking code (АТМ in the receipt). Example: tobacco
non_marked_exciseExcisable product which must be marked with the means of identification which doesn't have a marking code (АТНМ in the receipt). Example: alcohol products
taxInsurance payments
agent_withdrawalsCash withdrawal
pension_insurance_without_payoutsMandatory pension insurance payments for sole proprietors
pension_insurance_with_payoutsMandatory pension insurance payments
health_insurance_without_payoutsMandatory health insurance payments for sole proprietors
health_insurance_with_payoutsMandatory health insurance payments
health_insuranceMandatory social insurance payments
Payment method attributes
The payment method attribute is specified in the payment_mode parameter.
Possible values:
full_prepaymentFull prepayment
partial_prepaymentPartial prepayment
advanceAdvance payment
full_paymentFull payment
partial_paymentPartial payment and loan
credit_paymentLoan repayment
Unit of measurement of product quantity
Unit of measurement of product quantity is specified in the items array in the measure parameter. This parameter must be specified starting from FFD 1.2.
Possible values:
pieceProduct item, piece, or unit
square_centimeterSquare centimeter
square_decimeterSquare decimeter
square_meterSquare meter
cubic_meterCubic meter
dayDay (24 hours)
Payment type
The payment type is specified in the type parameter of the settlements massive in the request for creating a receipt .
Possible values:
cashlessCashless payment
prepaymentPrepayment (advance payment)
postpaymentPostpayment (loan)
Agent type
Agent type is specified in the agent_type parameter of the items array in the request for creating a receipt , if you send data for creating receipts using the Receipt after payment scenario. The agent_type parameter is provided for by the format of fiscal documents (FFD) and is mandatory for version 1.1 and later. Make sure your online sales register is updated to FFD 1.1.
Possible values:
banking_payment_agentBanking payment agent
banking_payment_subagentBanking payment subagent
payment_agentPayment agent
payment_subagentPayment subagent
See also
Receipts in the YooMoney API Reference
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