Old versions of the API
Sign up for YooMoney
  • Payment method type in the API: tinkoff_bank
  • Confirmation scenario: Redirect
  • Payment term: 1 hour
  • Holding: 7 days, full and partial payment capture is available
  • Code in reports: TB
  • Refund: yes, full and partial
  • Recurring payments: yes
  • Limits: the minimum payment amount is 1 ruble, and the maximum amount is 700,000 rubles (you can raise the limit by contacting the manager)
Integration scenarios
Ready-made solutions:
Payments with confirmation in the T-Bank app
How it works
In this scenario, you implement the payment method selection process on your own. After creating the payment, you redirect the user to the YooMoney page. This page will display a QR code or button for redirecting the user to the T-Bank app.
Example of a payment form
Example of a payment form
To complete the integration, add a button to your website to redirect the user to checkout. When the user clicks the button, you will receive the link to the ready-made payment page from YooMoney: redirect the user to it. When the user returns to your website, request the payment results from YooMoney.
How to process a payment
Step 1. When a user selects T-Pay, create a payment  by sending a request to YooMoney containing the request authentication data, idempotency key, and payment data:
  • in the amount object, specify the amount to be debited from the user; the amount must be within limits;
  • in the payment_method_data object, specify the tinkoff_bank payment method code;
  • in the confirmation object, specify the redirect type and the URL of the page on your side that the user will return to after the payment (in the return_url parameter);
  • in the description parameter, specify the description of the payment that the user will see when paying.

You can specify any other parameter in the request except for payment_method_id, payment_token, airline.

Example of a request
  curl https://api.yookassa.ru/v3/payments \
    -X POST \
    -u <Store ID>:<Secret Key> \
    -H 'Idempotence-Key: <Idempotence Key>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
          "amount": {
            "value": "2.00",
            "currency": "RUB"
          "payment_method_data": {
            "type": "tinkoff_bank"
          "confirmation": {
            "type": "redirect",
            "return_url": "https://www.example.com/return_url"
          "description": "Order No. 72"
The payment object  in its current status will be returned in response to the request.
Step 2. Redirect the user to the YooMoney page, the URL of which will be provided in confirmation_url. This is a link to the ready-made YooMoney page.
Example of a created payment object
  "id": "23ce833e-000f-5000-8000-172b6722debf",
  "status": "pending",
  "paid": false,
  "amount": {
    "value": "2.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "confirmation": {
    "type": "redirect",
    "confirmation_url": "https://yoomoney.ru/checkout/payments/v2/contract/tinkoff-pay?orderId=23ce833e-000f-5000-8000-172b6722debf"
  "created_at": "2019-01-14T11:16:14.441Z",
  "description": "Order No. 72",
  "metadata": {},
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "tinkoff_bank",
    "id": "23ce833e-000f-5000-8000-172b6722debf",
    "saved": false
  "recipient": {
    "account_id": "100500",
    "gateway_id": "100700"
  "refundable": false,
  "test": false
Step 3. Wait until the payment is successfully completed: you'll receive a notification from YooMoney. Alternatively, you can send periodic requests for payment information .
Example of a payment with the succeeded status
  "id": "23ce833e-000f-5000-8000-172b6722debf",
  "status": "succeeded",
  "amount": {
    "value": "2.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "income_amount": {
    "value": "1.93",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "description": "Order No. 72",
  "recipient": {
    "account_id": "100500",
    "gateway_id": "100700"
  "payment_method": {
    "type": "tinkoff_bank",
    "id": "23ce833e-000f-5000-8000-172b6722debf",
    "saved": false,
    "card": {
         "first6": "555555",
         "last4": "4444",
         "expiry_year": "2022",
         "expiry_month": "07",
         "card_type": "MasterCard"
  "captured_at": "2023-09-08T09:30:11.721Z",
  "created_at": "2023-09-08T09:29:48.933Z",
  "test": false,
  "refunded_amount": {
    "value": "0.00",
    "currency": "RUB"
  "paid": true,
  "refundable": true,
  "metadata": {},
  "authorization_details": {
     "rrn": "10000000000",
     "auth_code": "000000",
     "three_d_secure": {
       "applied": false
Step 4. When the user returns to return_url, display the payment result (succeeded or canceled) depending on the payment status.
Done! If you're processing a two-stage payment, capture or cancel the payment. Inform the user of the final payment result.
See also
Payment process
Legal information
Terms and Conditions of the YooMoney ServiceElectronic Document Flow Agreement
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